Advanced Materials - Featured

De-Risking Technology

De-risking technology for better innovation outcomes.

Myant X has unique core competency in de-risking technology and removing barriers to ensure improved innovation outcomes.  Our experts achieve better outcomes through the use of well designed development processes and access to extensive in-house capital infrastructure.

Graph showing Myant X's de-risking technology stages, highlighting key milestones from technology development to commercialization and the Myant X advantage in reducing capital risk.

LEARN MORE:  Agile and successful innovation requires cross-functional teams of scientists and engineers working together from project initiation through commercialization.  At Myant X we don’t distribute innovation – we are one team – in one facility – building end to end solutions.  In the Myant Valley of Innovation, we bridge the gaps commonly known as “the valleys of death” and we invite start-ups to reside with us in our unique facility so that they can actively participate in the development of their technology.